Dighton Arts Festival

Fouteenth Annual Dighton Arts Festival - Registration Open

Applications are being accepted for the Fourteenth Annual Dighton Arts Festival. Please see the post below for the application form.

The Fourteenth Annual Dighton Arts Festival will be held on Sunday, November 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (please note time change) at Araujo Farms and Greenhouses, 1522 Williams Street, Dighton. The festival is sponsored by the Dighton Lions Club. The six greenhouses at Araujo Farms will be filled with arts, crafts, music, food, and activities for this fun-filled community event.

The mission of the Dighton Arts Festival is to buy a personal statement where local and regional artists and crafters can display and sell their work in a family-oriented environment that encourages artists and crafters of all ages and promotes interest in the arts in our community.

The Dighton Lions Club sponsored festival is held annually on the 1st Sunday in November at Araujo Farms and Greenhouses in Dighton, Massachusetts.

Member Tips and Tricks

Some of our members have been kind enough to share some helpful tips:

If you have a favorite tip, trick, or resource you'd like to share with other members of the Dighton Art Association, please send them in!

Posted On: Sun, 03/25/2007 - 10:41am by daaadmin
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